The Young Appetite

Ah, junk food – the irresistible temptation that beckons to even the strongest-willed among us. And when it comes to Indian teenagers, it’s like a magnetic force pulling them into a world of delicious, yet questionable...

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The Fake Man Show

Welcome, dear readers, to the greatest show on earth: the circus of masculinity, where boys become men through a series of daring feats, questionable fashion choices, and a healthy dose of testosterone-fueled bravado. Step right...

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The Ballot story

Hey there, fellow citizens and future voters! So, I recently embarked on a journey that was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking – yep, you guessed it, I cast my first-ever vote in the Indian General Elections 2024. And let...

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The Drowsy story

Hey there, fellow sleep enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a journey through the whimsical world of the sleep cycles.Buckle up, because this rollercoaster ride might just keep you awake with laughter! Chapter 1: The Night Owl...

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The Internet Intern

Gone are the days of commuting woes and office small talk – now, you can embark on your internship journey from the comfort of your own pajamas. But fear not, for the virtual wilderness is full of adventure, laughter, and maybe...

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The College Plan

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge into the wild world of college. Congratulations! Get ready for a whirlwind of chaos, confusion, and occasional enlightenment. As an Indian guy who’s been through the rite of passage...

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Curry chronicles

Hey there, fellow food adventurers! Welcome to the spicy, aromatic world of Indian cooking, as seen through the eyes of an 18-year-old about to dive into the college abyss armed with naught but a packet of instant ramen and a...

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Driving Disasters

Picture this: a gangly teenager, yours truly, currently navigating the chaotic streets of India in a desperate attempt to learn how to drive before college. As I write this, I’m clutching the steering wheel for dear life...

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